1. Put your book's title in the field:(Untitled Document)
2. Set your book's margins by clicking:
> Archive> Page setupIn my case, I put 2cm to all sides.
3. Set your book size
Still in page setup, choose your book size in: paper size.In my case, I put the A5 sheet option: (14.8cm x 21cm)
4. Choose fonts for the text
Click on the name "Arial" under the Tools option and choose a maximum of 3 fonts to write your book. One for the main titles, the second for the subtitles or text, and the third font for tips or special texts.
In my case I chose the font: Poppins (titles) and Merriweather (general text)
You have the option to download new fonts by clicking on the button: "More fonts"
5. Enter page numbers and customize them
In the menu, click on: "Insert, then go to the "Page Numbers" option and choose the one you prefer, which in my case was the third.
Once it's automatically added, select the number, and change the font and size, in my case I used Merriweather and size #15.
6. Add header and footer (if you want)
In the menu, click on: "Insert, then go to the "Headers and Footers" option.If you want to customize each chapter by putting the title in the header, unfortunately it won't be possible by Google Docs, but you'll still have the option to put the book's title, and it will automatically add to every page.
Select the title, go to the option on the left side of the font name, and to the right of the 100% option, there put the option "Title" and soon the shortcut will appear on the right side of the screen in blue.
8. Insert images
In the menu, go to: "Insert", then "Image" and then "Upload from computer".
Choose the image and center it on the page, be careful not to expand the image beyond the page, it usually disappears with that, but if it happens press Ctrl + Z to go back.
9. Save to PDF
In the menu, go to: "File", then "Download" and then "PDF Document (.pdf)".